martes, 11 de enero de 2011

Temos que facer...

Write a story about a couple. Use this ideas:
when, where and how they met
their first date
when they got married
what happened in the wedding
when and why they split up

130-150 words

Picade en 'comentarios' para ver os traballos que xa fomos subindo

4 comentarios:

  1. Aquí, se vos parece, podemos publicar os nosos traballos, cando xa os corrixa Diana, e beneficiarnos de ver diferentes versións.

  2. It happened some time ago. I was flying to London when I met a beautiful woman. She was sitting next to me.
    -"Business or tourism travel?", She asked me.
    -"Both",  I answered
    -" I'm going to London for a week.  I work for a Spanish company but I speak little English and I would like to practice"
    -" I can help you", She told me.
    During  that week, we walked through the city, we went to pubs, museums...
    She was a wonderful lady, friendly, charming, her body was as a Greek sculpture, her long and blond hair seemed to be gold.
    I think that I was falling in love.
    The week had finished and the last night we went to have dinner a little and beautiful restaurant. When we left the restaurant, she said to me:
    - I have to tell you something. My name isn't Megan, my real name is John.
    - Don't worry, I have to tell you something too, my name isn't Arthur, I'm Cristina.
    I walked towards her, I took her around the waist and I kissed her in her cheek .
    She cried and said "goodbye, I'll always remember you "
    Suddenly I woke up, the alarm clock was ringing. It was 7 am.
    It had been a dream.

  3. Juan met Ana for the first time at a dinner party for his sister's boyfriend. He felt in love just as he saw her. At first, she pretended not to be interested in him, but, after dinner, when they went to many pubs, she came with him by car and they didn't separete for the rest of the night. And Juan asked her out on Sunday...
    Their friends thought they wouldn't last, but they did. Six months later they got engaged and, finally, they got married. Ana stopped working when she had a baby and she stayed at home with him.
    When the boy grew up, she couldn't find work and she was sad. For a mont. Then, she started to be happier and go out with friends. She had an affaire. Juan didn't want to believe it. One day, he found them, his wife and her lover, in bed. He went to his sister's house and called his lawyer.

  4. Aurelia's story for this activity

    This es a romantic story

    They went to secondary school in 1970 when they were fifteen years old. In class they looked at each other*s face while the teacher was teaking the lesson.

    They could not remember when they met for the first time, but in the summer holidays he asked her to go out and she answered: " yes, of course" because she was in love with him.

    Two years later they got engaged... they finished their studies, and they started to work.

    They got married on 7 th, september, 1976, then they had two children, a son and a daughter.

    Now they live in London and they have got four grandchildren, three grandsons and one grandaughter.

    They would like to travel around the world with their grandchildren and live for a long time with their family.
