lunes, 24 de enero de 2011

Write a letter to a friend telling him/her about a film you saw recently

Esta actividade para entregar correspóndese coa que se propón no Workbook, na páxina 71(72), apartados 8 e 9. Consiste en redactar unha carta  (ou e-mail?) contándolle a un amigo/a detalles sobre unha peli que teñamos visto recentemente.
Primeiro teremos que ter en conta os datos que se sinalan na tabla do exercicio 3 (ano, localización, protagonistas, director, a historia..) e utilizar o vocabulario do exercicio 6 e outro que vimos na unidade 4.
110-140 palabras
Cando xa o teñamos corrixido, podemos incluilo coma comentario a esta entrada.

1 comentario:

  1. Dear Fernando,
    Yesterday, Berto and me found out that tomorrow is the premiere of Torrente, the fourth. I remember we went with you and Mónica to the cinema for the first part in 1998 and we laughed a lot.
    The main caracter is Jose Luis Torrente a very fat and greasy policeman, who lives with his father in Madrid and he is fanatic of the Atletic of Madrid. My husband didn't recognize Santiago Segura, who played Torrente and directed the film, and he discussed with us that it was not possible the man in the screen was Santiago.
    The film starts with Torrente driving his car, very peculiar, in the night of Madrid , he arrives at home and he meets the neigbours. He lives with his father, who is in a wheelchair. Most of characters were well-known spanish actors. The music was from El Fary and the best song was Apatrullando la ciudad.
    It is the funniest film I've ever seen , so we are thinking of going this weekend to see the new one. Do you want to come with us?
    PS.: Call me or Berto to agree on the date.
